Eight Mile Spring

While exploring a desolate valley in Utah, an arid moonscape with a decrepit ghost town, my dad came across this scene. In soft mid-morning light, a beautiful oasis with a spring; a haven in the desert for wild horses.

That is the encapsulation of my dad’s artist journey. A consistent pursuit to find and propagate the beauty amidst the pains and hardships of the world. A moment of transcendence, a flicker of hope amidst the chaos.

This Michael Workman vision was brought to life in oil on a 3’x4’ panel, and two small studies.

-Natalie Workman

“Eight Mile Spring”- a commissioned work

This large work was commissioned by a private client, and he did two small studies of the scene during the process.

“Eight Mile Spring” Sketch #1

“Eight Mile Spring” Sketch #2


Spring farm